Milton Berg Advisors

A Research Firm Specializing in Turning Point Analysis

About Us
Milton Berg Advisors is a research and consulting company, offering investment guidance and services exclusively to institutional investors. We offer proprietary research covering the broad market indices, along with various other macro-influenced asset classes including the 30-year long bond, and gold.
Research Process
Milton has developed an extensive collection of proprietary indicators, incorporating research from all disciplines to analyze trends in equities and other asset classes, including bonds and commodities. His work integrates historical data using fundamental, macro, economic, and technical factors.
Products & Services
Almost daily MB Advisors publishes extensive investment research reports for their clients. Additionally, Milton is available to answer client questions and conducts in-person meetings with clients on an as needed basis. Milton is also available for speaking engagements.
Services Offered by MB Advisors
Milton’s proprietary system tracks over 30,000 indicators daily and looks for extremes within those indicators in order to determine high-probability market turning points. With this insight the direction of the market can be predicted with higher confidence. In addition to tracking his proprietary indicators, Milton evaluates historical cycles to compliment his evidence-based models and data and uses his cycle work as an overlay to his trading strategy

Investment Commentary
Milton publishes his outlook of the equity markets, the bond markets, commodities, and various other themes three to five times a week.

Consulting Services
Milton offers consulting services for his institutional clients’ needs and to provide insight as well as answer questions regarding his research.

Speaking Engagements
In addition to his regular subscription services, Milton is available for speaking engagements at industry conferences, corporate events, and other related activities.
Milton was featured on a Podcast with Ed D’Agostino from Mauldin Economics on December 2, 2022, where he discusses the terrible toll of inflation on personal wealth.
Milton has been featured on a multitude of media outlets including The Grant Williams Podcast, Forward Guidance/Blockworks with Jack Farley, RealVision, Bloomberg television, and CNBC.